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Mobile lost!!!

Relishing the drift of my hair

Feeling the essence of cool air

Risking myself with one foot in air

I travel on footboard of bus with care

Sluggish is the pace of traffic everyday

With innumerous people following my way

When every minute passing like a decade

When every metre looking like an acre

Suddenly bus stops at a key junction

And people get down in counts of million

Glad I was seeing the whole bus almost empty

Before I realized there is something else too empty

My long pocket with a small mobile was also empty

How knack was he to get that off my pocket

Without even creating a any signs of suspect

So now I lose my first ever mobile

Just a week after its hundredth repair

Oh! You senseless heartless burglar

You will repent for this till your funeral

Though it was at the edge of its life

It is still my little dear friend of life


  1. A simple issue brought out very beautifully :) Thumbs up !

  2. Oh dear so tragic losing a mob is like losing your best mate.Hope you find it soon!!

  3. @adreamygal,



    Yeah...its soo painful. Hope to find is just to hope against the hope...
    Thanks for ur comments....

    I somehow missed comments on this post so never replied..thank for visiting my blog..... keeping visiting


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