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Lightning that struck!!!!

In the middle of this hot summer
As if a rain drop occurred with thunder
As if a lightning struck with tender
You caught my sight in wonder

Where were you these many years
Which I spent with dreams of yours
Thanks to those incapable traffic measures
Which couldn’t make the traffic fierce

Tired I was peeping through bus’s window
Looking at long queues of grunting motors
Right then you came with wings of “pleasure”
Creating ripples with that smile of treasure
One glance you gave from the edge of your eye
Oh! How worthy was that! It made me high
Before I could smile back and say ‘hieeee’
Infinite horns blew reminding you to bid me ‘bye’
Having nothing to do, dragging the bike with a sigh
You raced through the traffic streams in a while


  1. i wonder if this is abt a gal ......

    nice poetry....

    u really made people to see the other side of traffic jams

  2. hey sudheer... long time....
    got your comment on my you are back at creating magic with words....
    Keep going man...

  3. @sneha,

    Yes it is...and thts the only time i could apprecite traffic jams

    @Nischala garu,

    Yeah its been long time i stayed online for a continous period of time. So couldnt read ur posts


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