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Kill me...Please...

It was day of recession for me
not that I failed in things that are key
but for I lost the trust in me
It happened three days back
but its still ringing at my back
Was a moment of few seconds
but can have impact for decades

Its not the point of losing or winning
its the thought of giving it up
I hardly slept silent these days
I was haunted with those scenes
I still remember the ball moving
off my stick to their and then
happened the most scary thing,they win
I was responsible for it,it was me
Someone Kill me, Please kill me....


  1. the title made me rush to your blog and check it out..!!!

    the is a sad one..i can feel the tough time shown up there..

    i think it is about the cricket match that you must have lost....if i am is a game and you know na....that only one can win the game...!!!

    take a chill pill dude..!!!

  2. its a game(hockey) ...still jus cant take it litee.....


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