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My dreams

An old poem... it went missing from my blog suddenly.... had no other option but to find the original file and re-post this here. For all those who read it before, its revision time and for others - Have fun :)
A day ends with a sleep for everyone
But a new day starts from me then
A day where I am what I am
A day where I achieve things I lost

It’s a day of unbelievable imagination
I stop British from entering India
I avoid both the World wars
I save my country from getting looted
I play cricket for the country
After hitting McGrath for 36 in an over
I get the whole aussies out in 3 overs

I do everything and I am everywhere
These days turn romantic at times
I see a girl, clad in white dress
With a smile of a child

As bright as a rising sun
As cute as blossoming flower
Caring and beautiful as an angel
The moment I go upto her and
Try to talk something for a while
My day reaches its end with a THUD on my door
And people screaming “Saale, class time…Wake up!!!!!!!!”


  1. ha ha ha ha
    great fream surya... i liked the way u articulated it.......

    the britishers, the aussies, the beautiful girl, the blossoming flower... and last but not the least..... ur frnds calling u for the class... i had the special smile all the time while i was reading ur poem......

    good work surya

  2. @yamini

    thanku....thts actually the gist of my dreams in the last five days.........

  3. you are awarded in my blog....


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