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friday 19th of october '07 a surprise ...a shock..unbelievable...

prof mathews enters the class asual at 1pm and jus b4 starting lecture says we will have refreshment after 2...b4 the second phase of lecture begins..everyone had their own perceptions....few thought he would give a ten min break..few thought of project results and few went to extremes thinking of attendance probs(mee tooo in this grp ;))..
finally the time arives 1:50pm...
prof looks like hes waiting for some one..and tht someone enters and everyone shocked for a sec....its a real refreshment...pakodi ans samosa......wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... and then it goes on with a cup of coffee....surprising..unexpected...really a gr8 experience of happyness and surprise....its a treat for his oncoming 60th b' feeling was unexpressible i couldnt react for anything untill a min.....

suddenly he gives another shock saying "lets continue with the lesson while u eat n drink..we can save some time"...hey first time i have ver heard of listening to a class while eating openly ..the best experience with one of the best professors ever....


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