Even after 62 years of Independence, people start saying “we are dependent”, “there is no freedom that we want” and what not......I dont know why people are narrow-minded in this aspect, we are so independent these days.............. 1.We have the freedom to hike prices of dal from what it was Rs.40 five months back to Rs.120 and never try to reduce those prices 2.We give freedom to all travelers into the country to spread swine flu without testing them at airport 3.We give freedom to all those criminals who did havocs in Mumbai last year 4.We give freedom to the countries giving shelter to LeTs who disturb us when we are bored with our routine (or they bored of our routine). 5.We give freedom to recession hit big countries to still show their domination on us. 6.We give freedom to some foreign airlines to check our Ex-president and the most adorable person of the country just as they check anyone else. 7.We are free to make nuclear deals with any country and trade off our security wit...