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Tada Trip

After a very long gap im getting myself back into this blogging by sharing my experiences at Tada trip.....

It was a 3 day weekend(15th,16th and 17th) and most of them are utterly jobless and the whole wing wants to come out of this boring routine for atleast a day or everyone started igniting their think tanks and finally its ATM to strike with an idea of going to Ubbalamadugu..a place very near to Tada which has a very good waterfall situated in the heart of a forest at a very gud height. This is supposed to leave experiences of trekking, through forests(Navigating) and waterfalls. So the idea is there...... research has been done about how to go and the final and important thing.....gathering junta was left. As expected it again took a bit long time to convince few and few turned down the offer the moment idea was said. Finally, the team was fixed with 9 people coming and the date of journey was next morning at 3:30 Am. This timings left us with no other option except for putting a night out and so we did.

And the time arrives, 3:30 and as usual we started off according to our timings at 4 to catch a train at 4:20 which was an impossible effort..but still we tried asking the taxi guy to amke it quick and he did to make us reach there by 4:30. As we missed train....we ate something for breakfast.....drank coffee and got the next train and were up n on to Tada. Train journey was gud except for JJ who kept on sleeping one everyone's shoulder and slowly slipping off the seat.We tried keeping ourselves busy by playing hand-cricket and irritating pressure who is trying to create a hypothesis about electric trains and stuff........then finally someone came up with a stud idea of playing Dumb shell arts which kept us busy til the end. At Tada, it was my supremacy...because im the only one who can speak telugu there [:D].......we picked up an some water and reached our destination after some 1/2 hr journey...... Ubbalamadugu...the place of waterfalls....but to the despair we cant see any signs of water in our sphere.

We started off walking with all heavy back packs and through muddy road for a long distance and we never found anything..and we went on and on and was indeed a long walk not jus because of distance but because of problems we was lips to start off .....his shoe sole takes a divorce with his shoe in the first kilometer walk...and then he takes mine and i wear my dear slippers which i got. Then after 3Kms walk we found the temple we were searching for and found few of insti junta and after their feedback we started off with double the energy.

It was gud trekking experience with ppl supporting each other and ATM trying to explore new routes just before we had JJ going down saying he jus cant do it anymore........and this was the start of troubles for us......JJ becomes weak unable to walk and lips there gets onto an arbit place and even he doesnt know how he went there. While getting down he does havoc and starts shouting everybody's name to help him.......It was a smal rescue camp type thing and by tht time only we 3 JJ me and lips were left thr and others r way ahead.We started guessing routes and finally somehow...god only knows how we reached the waterfalls and the first sight of it made us forget all the hardships we faced to come there...tht was jus awesome. We played...we danced....we became excited as if we were living for the first time....tht was a gr8 experience..I would love to share those pics but ...Lelo....was in a dress due to which all the photos r Censored. Then we started getting back and this looked a bit easier thing because i was leading the troops.

Getting down was risky but we enjoyed it....we were doing really well untill JJ slips of a rock to get his shoes drenched in water. Again I was the one who was with him and people never saw tht so everyone kept walking and we both were left there. That was the worst ever experience.....JJ din walk that 1Km distance..he indeed was crawling.....and after a long span of crawling we reach our temple where we sat for sometime and had some food. After tht nature showered some drops of pity on us for sometime and the moment it stopped we started....we literally started running back to our start place..which is 4Kms because we were tired..thirsty.....and wat not....the moment we reached there..the auto guy was waiting for us and we were ready to have a happy journey back.....but another weird experience.....Auto tyre gets punctured and we are left with no option expect to w8 untill he repairs it. After that it was a quick journey back to hostel and we hardly wasted even a min to come back.

Finally, I slept that Saturday at 10Pm and I was sleeping like a bull and woke up somewhere around 12'O clock on Sunday......which was indeed very early compared to others and was still lost in those tada thoughts for a day or so untill our routine began with F slot prof asking to submit the assignment.


  1. hmmm
    while reading ur post i was also experiencing the feeling of the hard journey and the coolness of the waterfall....

    i enjoyed ur post and came to know that u ppl enoyed the trip tooo


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