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Chak De

Note: This post is not to hurt anyone's personal feelings or try showing some supremacy but just to let you know what I think.

It is during the evening when this feelings starts.....let there be a quiz tomorrow or a meeting in the next hr. but heart starts pricking....jus for a min...jus for one crack.... and the moment attempt has been made to do it...that "one" is no more a looks as if everything is done and it fills the heart with happiness and recharges the whole body. It was like this for many days but suddenly as a result of few [un]expected consequences it became the place of Cold War......getting there was not merely doing my thing but defending myself from regular obstructions and trying to be cool and kind to every idiot who is trying to make fun of it......but all these din matter much because its after all a very small issue for me.......but as days passed and freshers entered this situation became not only my problem but a problem of every freshie who likes it. This became worse when these bloody assholes humiliated one freshie to the maximum possible and made him lose the opportunity of his lifetime. How many days will this continue........ I know we cannot produce results but still we are working ...y not leave us and do ur work instead of trying to waste time on observing us or trying to obstruct us.I am ready to take ur satirical line "Chak De Narmad" but i plead you, do not do this to a junior..... they haven't grown this strong to understand that your are the most useless creatures of the do nothing for this hostel nor allow anyone to do. This is a request from our so called "SRK" to keep your mouths shut from now and try finding a way where you can serve your hostel and better don't come into his way at least after the results come up.....because we are gonna rock in it.


  1. hey surya
    i dont know how to react but can defy say that something has certainly went wrong with ur juniors by ur frnds...
    i hope everything is fine now and u ppl are no longer facing that problem. i hope ur hostel is a good place to live from now on

    all da best

    bye the way good post frnd


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