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A train journey from Chennai - Hyd

Its been such a long time that I actually looked at my blog because of too many assignments, term papers and presentations(Copying also takes considerable time), end semester exams, addiction to Facebook games (esp. Farmville) and too many people to talk on a whole at the verge end of one of my busiest and productive semesters, when its actually time to think about going bac home, I see this status message on one of my friends' facebook page:
what a journey.... missed the first train from trichy to chennai by 8 mins... took a bus to catch kacheguda exp from chennai and missed it by 5 mins.... had to come in charminar with general tickets.... met interesting guys in the train... all in all, an ultimate experience....
This reminds me of one of my crazy trips to hyderabad.....

It was after my fourth semester, as I stayed back for 10 more days after exams, I was travelling all alone. Actually, there was a function to attend, so I had to plan in a short time and the plan was such that I reach home at morning 6 on the day of function, which after 9. The reasons to this unforgettable journey point to my extreme laziness in booking ticket which made me to make this travel possible with a waiting list 20, while boarding. After many failure attempts with TTE to lure him, I found that it was impossible to even get on sleeper class, I resorted to adjust in General compartment. I should say I was lucky in some sense to manage to get a seat, that too window seat :D. After the train started, I tried to look around inside my compartment just to realise that I am sitting along with a bunch of policemen who caught a convict and shifting him to hyderabad station. Instantaneously, I shrunk and my heart almost came into my mouth when the convict stared right at me. May be the policemen realised my fears, or they wanted that window seat, they suggested me that the upper bench is completely free and I can sleep if I want to. Feeling restless because of the surroundings and also because of my continuous night-outs during the past 3days, I moved up and slept. Before sleeping I made a point to them to inform me when station Renigunta comes, so that I can get down and request TT for any availability.
I was so tired that it just took a minute or two for me to enter my dream world and I was just sinking deeper and deeper. I suddenly woke up when i felt someone tapping me on my shoulder and while I was struggling to open my eyes, I just heard the chap, who woke me up, saying that its renigunta station. With still sleepy and drowsy, I pushed myself to get down and move out of compartment and walk on the busy platform search for a TT. I made a very long, sleepy walk before I realised that the train started to drag itself out of the station. To my shock, I was right infront of some AC compartments and to add my hard luck they were all closed. I started to move along with the train but it was only to find sealed isolated AC compartments. By that time train picked pace and it was evident that anything above this would be impossible for anyone to board. I tried unlocking the nearest door from outside but in vain. By this time, train was at considerable pace to bid me a Good-Bye and neither I had any option other than to regret for what happened. For a moment, I couldn't believe myself, my legs got stuck, I could hear nothing, say nothing, expect seeing the departing train till its last box was out of my sight. I just looked around for a second and when I actually came back into the existence, I realised I was empty handed, except for my mobile and wallet in my pockets.
I wandered in search of station master and explained them the whole thing and requested them for any ideas. It was a typical Government office, with most of them reluctant about listening or helping and few others trying to analyze what can be other possibilities to miss a train. Luckily, the station master was kind enough to immediately pick a schedule and check all the trains that will be travelling through in next few hours. Then I realised that the time is actually 8:50 PM, I was surprised about that fact that I slept for 4 hours without any disturbance in a train on a wooden bench. My flow of thoughts broke suddenly when station master asked me for the details of where I sat and what all luggage I have. Immediately, he rang up the next station and asked them to pick them up as soon as the train reached there, which will be at 9:30PM. So, I wandered around in the lonely station with lot of questions still ringing in my mind and I even decided not to call up home, thinking everything will go on fine. I counted every minute till 9:30 just to prove my thoughts wrong, when station master informed that my luggage is not available in the compartment. This wasn't too much of a concern for me because finding that needed them to put in some effort because it is amidst many others luggage and I seriously doubted their effort without enough incentives. Now I had to call up home and my low-balance mobile forced me to search for a booth outside and it didn't take much time to start the toughest job of explaining the situation to my mom in the most optimistic manner. After a long story-telling, I explained them to get my luggage from train and that I will come in Cochin Express which will reach Hyd by 12 noon. After that call, I had to find a place to fill myself enough to compensate my missed lunch too. Luckily, there was a mess next to the booth and a proper Andhra cuisine, as always, brought me into the mood of hogging and I ate till the last space in my stomach filled up. It was during the payment of cash, that I had another shock of the day; my wallet had just Rs.240 and this meal costed me Rs.40. So, with the remaining 200, I walked back to station to buy a ticket (only a general ticket was possible because that train already started from its first station) for Cochin express which was scheduled to arrive at 12midnight. It costed Rs.160 leaving me with just Rs.40 in hand, but I was confident on my ATM card because I maintain substantial balance in my account. It was at this time that I hated all banks in India because there was only one IOB ATM which was not functional and none in 5km. radius. The best option to access an ATM, as suggested by shopkeeper was to travel at Tirupathi station, for which I need to catch a train (10min travel time) which arrives in a min or so and comeback in the same train when it comes back in an hour. I had no other option except to follow his idea and while I was still trying to get some info from him, I could hear some train arriving in the station and it was none other that "Sapthagiri Exp."(the one to Thirupathi). I had no second thought in switching to my top gear and running into the station, pushing many others and jumping through the stairs just to miss even this train by a whisker, again. So, now I was to wait in that deserted station till 12 with just 40 rupees in hand and nothing else. To add to all these miseries, Cochin express was already 2hrs behind schedule and it was expected to reach only at 2 AM.
Now, the thought of waiting in a lonely, deserted, dead silent railway station for 3hours made the whole situation horrified. To spend those 3hrs, I had to walk through the whole length of station for ages examining everything as closely as what a CBI officer does, I had to go up and down the stairs every once and then, walk into the resting rooms for reserved passengers just to see if I can have any living being to accompany in this long stay. I regretted, I bewildered, I got bored, I realised, then, I enjoyed, I loved this, I tried to rethink what all happened, thought how will my friends react after listening to all this, how will I get scolded by my parents tonight, how will my Uncle n Aunt feel when I just walk into their house and many a many, before Cochin Exp. made its way slowly onto the platform as if an angel walking with lots of pride for the smiles it brought on my saddened face. This time I was very quick to board the train asap, that too sleeper class and check for an empty upper berth and sleep on it, trusting my confidence on fact that TT won’t be  come for a checking.
I slept immediately and came back to this world only when I could feel someone tapping my leg and just to add to my misery, it was none other than TT standing to check my identity. The conversation went on like this:
TT: Where is your ticket?
Me: No, Sir! I just have a general ticket ??@!!@
TT: (very angrily) Then you have to pay fine (and started calculating the fine)
Me: Sir, have money at all,  just have 40 rupees, will pay you as soon as I get down at secunderabad station.
TT: (Angrily) Fine... Get you luggage and place it here
Me: (with a very innocent face) luggage is in Kacheguda Exp.
Everyone around suddenly looked at me with surprise and I had to explain my story briefly. Looking at my pathetic situation, TT asked me to go and sit in next compartment and pay the fine as soon as I get down at Secunderabad(he had my ticket with him). This was a short journey I was woken up at 11 45 or so. Perfectly at 12, train reached Sec and I had no hesitation in getting down immediately (infact, when train was slowly dragging) and just make my way to exit. I raced to the bus station and got a bus in no time.
Luckily, I had no more twists in the story and I reached my Uncle's place directly where my parents got me a pair of dress to change. My dad informed that my bag was found with ease in the compartment just along with the policemen luggage (now u can see the way railway people work) .Nothing was spoken about the trip till lunch and during and after lunch were the worst sessions I have been in where around 20-30 relatives made their best efforts to understand the whole story and flooded me with too many cautions and contacts in railways in case something like this repeats. At the day end, I had my highly expected session at home where mom and dad made best efforts to prove to me that booking ticket early is a very good habit and it is important to carry cash, not depend on ATM card, during traveling. 

Finally, I boarded Kachiguda Exp, in Chennai Egmore to reach Kacheguda and ended up getting down at Secunderabad from Cochin Exp. with 40 rupees in hand :D

Moral of the story, which I can implement: Never put a night-out on the day before you travel :D
 Any different morals you got out of this story are always invited to be posted as comments :)


  1. Moral 1: Smoking helps you keep awake
    Moral 2: Travel is buses. they are faster and more comfortable. The buses to hyd from chennai stop at munnabhai dhaba which has tasty grub.
    Moral 3: Don't be scared of TTs. Tell them your uncle is railway minister's personal secretary.

  2. I have read this story(i said story) keenly that i found few mistakes like ...u have written 'expect' in place of 'except'....and in place of 'go and' u wrote 'goa nd'.....don`t worry dude....these kinds of experiences would definitely make u to think(and by default we never put interest on it... i mean... ahh.. i think u have got what i want to say Mr.Sudr)

  3. Haha...adventurous !!!:D

    I wud have loved to accompany you in such a wonderful trip:p..adding one more moral to the two gud ones already given:p

    * Always have "enough" balance in cell, kanjuusi costs big time when things doesnt go your way !!;)

    All in all..was a nice fresh post from you after long...i liked your narration all through..keep blogging !!:)

  4. @Saffy,

    Keka!!!!! Enlightening fundaes... Thank you

    @Anonymous(Im pretty sure its "maddie")

    You proved yourself in the comment dude :D


    Even I wish, I had someone, but if so then this can't be an adventure, right !!!!! :D

    @Saffy, maddie n pawan,

    Thanx for visiting and sharing your thoughts :D

  5. I think you were over excited as you are always over enthusiastic, while writing this post.
    Few lines really dint make sense to me..

    How will my uncle and aunt feel when I just walk into their house and many a many,

    also the personification of cochin exp didnt really suit the genre of the story..

    Overall it was nice reading though....

  6. Next time if you have not booked your ticket you can do two things:-
    1.)Follow saffi's second moral: Do bus journey.
    2.)Do break journey like me.Trust me break journeys are the best.

  7. @Naveen,
    This one finally ended as break journey for me.....jus tht it wasn't planned....

  8. wow...exiting trip sudheer..!!! if i were you...i cant even imagine what i would have done...!!!

    moral: never worry...We will defly get options to solve our problems

    Moral: when you get down the train in search of TT..better take your luggage from the train..!!!


  9. hehe this reminds me of one of my journeys to Raigarh from Chennai with CP (Meta).... Unfortunately he didn't carry cash, no ATMs in Renigunta, Wallet got empty, Both the ATMs at another station didn't work, no buses in these areas, no dinner, TT forgave us.. oh!! god memorable always..


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