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Diwali of a lifetime........

Just before starting off writing.... a warm diwali wishes to all the readers(though a bit late) and I hope everyone had a colourful,deafening Diwali yet again.Coming to my celebrations,it all started with high plans to go home and put peace for three days which collapsed in a span of hour where I was made to realize that I am in a engineering college and there is something called academics.So,canceling all my journey plans,I tried to follow through some assignments to make myself free by Saturday.But the "Last minute work syndrome" was so strong that I ended up seeing 3 movies a day for a week and that too movies which aren't even worth mentioning.To make my conscious feel better I resorted to clean my room atleast on the evening before festival which ended up in me washing clothes and sweeping room just for namesake.

Finally came the day of Diwali with alarms on my computer and cellphone making their best attempts to make me realize that they have been shouting for the past one hour.After a long perseverance of this irritating noise,I woke up with a lazy subconscious state of mind and managed to bring my room back to silence just before the smile of the clock shocked me(I mean at 10:10 the hands of clock are such that they make a smiley)and jerked off all the laziness I was in.After a second,I just ended up with a sheepish smile realizing the clock stopped working from the previous day.Slowly dragging myself,I managed to get ready in the next hour including breakfast.From then till evening, I managed to spend time without feeling bored or sleepy in between.There was a plan to go to temple and then to start off crackers.As an experiment,there was a plan to do puja in hostel itself an it obviously had a veyr positive response from everyone(most of us are lazy to go till temple ;) ).

It was evening 6:30 and there begun devotional songs from a loudspeaker reminding us that its time to move out of rooms for puja.It was a good attendance out there but we go stuck with one big problem.Who can do a puja or atleast a aarthi song in hindi? It turned out to be we are left with no option other than to repeat just the first line of a famous aarthi song.It was then someone made a point and played song on speakers which made our life easy and rituals have been performed with lots of devotion.Then came the real part of Diwali, in no time every wing got its share of crackers and the diyas put up in the wing started to shake in fear of deafening sounds.The event started with a looooong 2000wala and everyone responding with all the loud bombs they had.It was even a session of innovative thinking where people tried to blast hydrogen bomb in a bottle, lighting many flowerpots at a time, throwing sparkles so that the land on tall trees,placing bombs right behind crowds, teasing all those who are trying to light bombs and many the verge end of all the crackers someone connected our loudspeaker to their laptop and started playing kuntry maxx songs ever. We needed no better an invitation to turn the ground into a disco and final years have made their presence feel and showcased all kinds of arbitness in dancing with regular hints of love and affection on each other :P Amidst these dancing,few bumping sessions, creating fire flames with a deodrant and candle marked almost the closure of the event.

Before packing off, we just wanted to wrap it up with a 3000wala we had. After spreading the whole thing open (which took unbelievably 10+ minutes) we lit it and everyone ensured they are a bit far off to avoid those flying sparkles. It all started with huge rage and this time,it was the crackers time to have some fun with us. The links broke and things started flying off and shooting in all directions which was actually amazing scene to watch.While I was lost in the scenic beauty,one of the links made its way right into me and I hardly has time to realise what is happening. An involuntary bending right behind straining every muscle in my body (just as in most of the movies where villain shoots and hero just bends back completely to escape :D ) helped me miss the link by a fraction away from my face.For a second, things around me never mattered except for the bomb which landed behind me with a light Thud!!!It was so light that I made no attempt in telling this to anyone around and I cursed myself for reacting so much for such a small thing, anyways I had my own fun in it. The hostel fell in silence slowly and within an hour everyone made their way back to their rooms and I started off with all those pending assignments I need to do.........

PS: All my assignments are still pending :D


  1. Belated diwali greetings to you.Wishing you good wishes throughtout the year.Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  2. Looks like you had too much fun even though you were staying away from home...celebrating with friends is an entire different feel I suppose...kool !!:)

  3. Thanks and wish you the same...


    Ob ra mama.... :)

  4. must have had nice fun@diwali kada ...........regarding assignments.....its a common story of every engineering guy........


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