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Creative Writing

Haaa......this is one of the courses i have to do this sem...can you imagine the only job for us in class is to read some writings and write some crap....which is indeed called as creative writing.Incentives for me to take this course ranged from Interest in creatively writing(I mean seriously....i thought of)....... to attendance......presence of some "girls"......and  provision to sleep continuously for three hrs without disturbance. So herein I come up with my first ever piece of writing for that course.....its expected to be a romantic fiction but I leave to your choice to decide the genre based on where it ended...

"When the hot blazing sun dips along wide horizons, I pull myself up from slipping through wide-opened rusted window of a crowded bus which is dragging through a battalion of vehicles.

How well can fortune favour an impatient traveler counting every second for a transition from red to green!!!! It came in the form of an angel clad in white dress, who stopped next to the window, deliberately caressing her flying hair.Her long fingers are trying to find ways through the thick black,long hair which are equally strong to resist them.With one hand in this battle, she moved the other to unveil deepened wide-opened blue eyes of her from the huge pair of sunglasses.It was the stupidest moments someone can be caught in, where you know you are staring like a dog but not even an inch of shame to pull yourselves back from it.It was her next move to adjust her sandal and pull them off her beautiful tender feet kept me in attention before I could realise that this long staring was to come to an end.The bus made the first start and later the angel with all that queenie attitude on her face.It wasn't much a travel before both of us made a halt again within the same signal point for few more minutes.Even now, pulling eyes off here wasn't an easy job and in a flash of second I realised her attentive eyes rolled up to shock me with a direct stare.Surprisingly, the weird look on her face didn't take much time to lit up the surroundings with a smile from the edge of her lips.It was my turn to return it back to her with a deliberate gesture to ask for her name.She was clever enough to understand the levels of audibility around and pointed those long fingers to the headlight which carried letter inscribed "Divya". Before she made her indications to ask for me,I started to write down my name and contact on a paper.What I never observed is the signal transition again and brisk start from the bus driver. A hasty strong sharp throw of a rolled paper followed by a lucky rebound from a closed car window, the paper reached her and her long fingers picked it carefully amidst loud screaming horns.
It was that evening that my mobile recieved one of its romantic calls ever, and there begun a new story.............."

Disclaimer: The names and characters in the story are completely fictional. NO resemblance to any event or a person in my life and resemblances to anyone else's life is just co-incidental and I donot regret for it.


  1. So sweet .. I guess a start of a beautiful romance????

  2. Yeah......only if my interest in writing fiction continues :P


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