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Petrol for 6

\*Hi guys, I just to write a collection of all my weird experiences I ever had in life, I would always like to ruminate things like this.*\

Herein,I start off with one of my embarrassing situation I was in.This was mid September I suppose.I wanted to buy a pair of sport shoes and just was lazy enough to by bicycle(4Kms) and get them.So,after few postponing of things,somehow Hemanth got a bike of his friend and we set off quickly to shop.After searching for around 1/2hr I realise they donot have my size(11 number naaa..)After he said that its available only in Chepauk which is about 10Kms from the place I am in, we decide to set off.As we started,we had the first shock of the day, petrol is low....and petrol bunk is a bit too far.So,we started it somehow and just raced over for a span of 2Kms hardly slowing down and jumping signal just to make sure we were at the bunk in time.Luckily,we reached there and had to stand in queue.By the time,I thought of getting ready with cash(being the financier of the day)and opened my wallet.To add to the misery,I found that there is no cash in it :O its bloody empty...........................Then I just settled myself by realising that there is something called debit card and can be used in this petrol bunk.But to the horror of my shock,I dont even have that.Actually,I lost it then[couldn't find it even now :( ] Then I see if Hemanth got some cash,atleast for petrol and as always he didnot even bring his wallet.

We both were in a state of shock or embarrasement or what not.After a deep search through mine and Hemanth's pockets we could drill out Rs.6/- with 2 two rupee coins and 2 one rupee coins.May be due to those suddn shocks or despair I collected in some courage and went upto that bunk guy and asked him if he can give us petrol for Rs.6/- that too with idiotic fusion of Telugu Hindi and English just to make sure he understands the position we are in, no petrol and 5Kms to travel.He with a kinda annoying look first and a cheaky look next,somehow managed in pouring in petrol for Rs.6/- ...........I never knew we can actually go to petrol bunks for 100ml of petrol. After putting that, donno why, he jus looked into the tank and then he looked at us while controlling his unstoppable instincts of laughing loudly. So,we both just peeped into the tank and after seeing whats there in it, we could just give a very idiotic sheepish smile to him and kick start the bike in fractions of second.
The fact is that the tank is



  1. high funda experience ra.. :)
    its good to see ur experience also in the blog other than poems. Keep up the work. Go Meduri.

  2. Hehe...yea funny !!...maaku poems ardham kaavu annaya...nuvvu ila katha la cheptene ardham avtundi...bale sarada ga undi nee katha !:p


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