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Indian Development

haaa...being for so many yrs in this country i thought i had some idea of what development actually is....... but May 30th 2008 redefined Development sry.....redefined Indian Development.....I think many 12th class students would remember that date very well (JEE Results) even though they dont but i will remember this date even at the cost of forgetting our Republic Day.....jus for one reason that this date defined wat republic is.......after all this beating around the bushes lets now actually smash the bush and see wats the definition........

""The Government of India has announced setting up of 8 more new IITs in the 11th plan. Admissions in the following six new IITs, subjected to the approval@ of the competent authority of the Govt. of India, is likely to take place during the counselling session of JEE 2008. To begin with, each new IIT will admit students in the B Tech programmes in three branches only and the corresponding course codes for filling choice sheet is given in the table below. The academic programmes at these new IITs will commence in July/August 2008. The curriculum and syllabus as well as the fee structure and other rules for the new IITs will be broadly same as that of the respective mentor IITs."" and there r stil many plans next yrs every state will have an IIT.....and there will be around 10 new IIITs starting....5 more IIMs......and spekaing of private colleges....may be every stret will have one......HRD minister din dare to count them....

All these plans are sooo gud......they show how much struggle our Govt. is putting to create opportunities to students.......but is it really doing that.....?????? who is gonna get benefit from it.....??????? wat the hell does HRD minister know abt IITs or IIMs ....does he know how may profesors r requested to come back after retirement to teach jus because there r no professors for back up.......does he know tht in IITM Mech(India no.1) one prof teaches 2 courses in a semester and even he is around 60 yrs??????? Does he know tht there r very less new requirtments happening????? and the new professors need some time atleast 5 yrs to settle and teach properly.....does he know because of this immense increase of no.of studnets how much wild life is being destroyed in IITM......does he know that one professor teaches around 500 studnts through some networking and stuff and students in other rooms experience the real trouble and which leads to loss of interest and increase of failures inIITS......does he know that around 1/3rd of the batch hsa failed in passing a course jus because there r no profs who can teach calculus for first yrs.........does he know that IITs rank 59 in world and adding these many IITs with least infrastructure will jus lead to decline in rank rather than any improvement wherein outside India ppl r developing universities not increasing their number....... bloody HRD minsiter grants it and our so called INTELLECTUAL Union Cabinet apporoves it.......and whos there to think of ll these.......who the hell is going to take tht responsibility???????? jus think friends think........setting up is not everything..being in one of them i know how it feels when u find a deficit.........canthey build new IITS amidst a forest where students will have no pollution effects and they have some pleasant climate.........and can they get new faculty for all these institutes in 2yrs span tht to making sure that no loss in old institutes occurs due to this?????????

But we still call it Development.............. INDIA IS DEVELOPING.......Hail Indian Development


  1. Hey hero...i do accept with you, but it would have been better if no of institutes the gvt decided to open were a few less in number. Establishing a new IIT so that it ll match up with the current standards of IITs in terms their state of art infrastructure and talent will definitely take a long time. And coming to the Idea of an IIT for everystate!!..itz mere bullshit!, the IIT tag for sure is gonna loose itz value if that happens without proper planning and management. The gvt shd rethink and must take up proper steps to train necessary proffs to maintain the IIT strature among the institutions across the world...hope the gvt ll realise this soon...

    Nice topic to debate on...keep posting...:)

  2. Hmm...sorry, lots of issues on your post. Let me put them forward. I am sorry, my comment would be pretty big.An answer kind of thing to ur questions.

    does he know how may profesors r requested to come back after retirement to teach jus because there r no professors for back up.......

    This was the case 1 year before I could join IIT, that is 3 yrs before you could join. All IITM in particular had more than 350 faculty recruitments in the past 4 yrs. 350 is a big no. Everyone's a post-doc and had taught at some time or the other in their lives. This issue is no worry currently.

    does he know tht in IITM Mech(India no.1) one prof teaches 2 courses in a semester and even he is around 60 yrs???????
    Even I donot know this. But ya, 2 courses is 6 classes in 5 days!!SHow me some faculty who teaches more than 2 courses. All this is an academic requirement and I dont understand what the crib is. Theres no rule that a junior prof should teach less no of courses than a senior one

    Does he know tht there r very less new requirtments happening????? and the new professors need some time atleast 5 yrs to settle and teach properly.....

    I think I answered this question. Moreover, no institute begins with a big name. Everything is established over time.

    does he know because of this immense increase of no.of studnets how much wild life is being destroyed in IITM......

    Who killed deer and monkeys, if thats what u call wild life? Regarding the felling of trees- well yes, u have a point- we had 4 new hostels. But all this is to accommodate ur brethren. INfact jungles were cut even to make the hostel u r living in.

    does he know that one professor teaches around 500 studnts through some networking and stuff and students in other rooms experience the real trouble and which leads to loss of interest and increase of failures inIITS......

    There are ways to beat this. Lets work in that direction. If u have a disease, it should be cured. You should not be killed.

    does he know that around 1/3rd of the batch hsa failed in passing a course jus because there r no profs who can teach calculus for first yrs.........

    I thought the reason for this is removal of calculus from JEE syllabus. Moreover, is your point being made against the current profs? Just reassess the statement!!

    does he know that IITs rank 59 in world and adding these many IITs with least infrastructure will jus lead to decline in rank rather than any improvement wherein outside India ppl r developing universities not increasing their number.......

    Now, I am angry. How many univs does the US have? Every damn guy in US has an opportunity to study in some 'good' university. Why do u think Indians are not getting nobel prizes or not any great invention is an indian brain child? Dude it took 5 yrs to make IIT G the place it is now. 5 yrs is too less a time. Its the people that make a place. And in India we definitely have more people that can make IIT's the way they are now- be it faculty or students.As far as rank 59 goes, its just one survey. IITM doesnot lose its sanctity and standard just because its mentoring IIT Hyderabad!! Rethink with a cool mind. After all this was a proposal by IIT alumni themselves, people of our brand!

  3. haa..jimmy thanku for ur comment...that was really amazing...u made me think again


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