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Now im gona narrate u a small story......a strory of two friends...not a movie..but really happened n happening......

It starts with two students getting seat into a premier institutes......n being hostllers paced in same hostel....n jus three rooms far.....being of same dept.... get closer..become nice well tht whenever its some announcement they check of their frnds first.....even not caring for theirs...... there were days when these two guys spent whole nites be frank blabbering....nthn important......nthn meaningful....

But life is not a path of even has thorns.....these two frnds have a peculiar character..... the reason for which being common...the dreadful INFERIORITY guy puts enthu in everything jus to show up tht he can do anything.......other doesnt involve so easily ...afraid of losing......n here comes the real trouble.......for our convinience lets name them as M(enthu guy)..... K(other one)

M having gud fundaes abt everything tries to boost up K into a event which K can really excell..... but K never cares it......he says macha lite lele yaar....i cant do it....there begins the real quarell.... a diversified views n a sudden silence for 1 month...again they jus come back but the situation is never clear among them....they r just patchng up their mistake but not regretting for tht this way their ship is sailing well......n suddenly comes another problem.....

M intereste din doing something gr8 consults K for his crips on it.... but K doesnt respond......but this din care M...he was still fine.....the next morning..... it happens tht M meets K along with one of his frnds......n there K starts cripping abt M's work.........this annoyed M n he jus raged against K n shouted at him.......n after this again their started a silence......10 days (n still counting)........ both of them feel they want to talk to his frnd again but no one speaks.......donno y.....can u ppl guess wat may be reason these guys couldnt re-approach .......can u give a possible end to this story??????? if so try it out.....pls post.....

i want to post not because my blog becomes familiar but these two guys will read them n can get back again........its jus a try from my side.......pls help me.....


  1. there is only a single reason why these two pals are not meeting up.
    it is called THE EGO. if they keep aside this ego,and meet up with eachother,they will knw how much they have missed eachother.Its just tht they are unbale to come over thr egos.M thinks he is right,no fault of his,y shud he go and apologise and same feeling of K also.BUt in teh bargain they dont realise tht time lost is lost,they cant get it back.EGO is dominating the proceedings between the 2some.let the heart speak not the ego.If one starts he doesnt become small in other's heart,infact his stature grows.The other person is unable to speak becoz of his fear.SO go and speak is wht i think,be it M or K,becoz in the time lost u wud have lost a hoarde lotta memories and fun which u cud cherish in the future. think with ur heart and not with ur egoistic brain!

  2. well....
    to da best of my knwoledge..da only prob wid these two guys z nothing but the EGO problem....
    u knw diz ego z very dominating such dat even u hav one side of ur brain in favour of meeting ur frnd n breaking up da silence...diz ego dont really make u 2 do diz..
    ofcoz da latter has some inferiority complex wich znt necessary among frnds but cant help.
    n mr.M juz keep in mind dat these r all silly misundrstandins between frnds n these r all common 4 evry gud frnds..
    n its always true dat time heals sum probs n it may take time but diz time while u r frnds once lost z lost 4evr n den u cant help but repent
    come 4ward both of u n giv ur piece of mind 2 other..n i can say diz can also strenghtns ur frndship..
    so guys let ur hearts speak..nt ur egos..
    hope u again meet n d best frnds 4 ever!!!

  3. i wouldn't comment on the present situation. cause its a problem which shouldnt be delved into by a third person. cause if we interfere, then both of em will feel that the other guy told us something about him.. its problem which they shoud solve on their own... but yeah... you can do one thing....

    try to get all of your wing and make them sit b4 u.. and then try talking talking to them... our whole wing should try to patch them up.... that will seriously work.. nothing much to say apart from this...

  4. well.. i have nothing much to say...
    but it is for them to realize that they are spending time which they can never buy back... Some day they shouldn't feel that they got it wrong all the way...

  5. hey frnds thanx for ur cooperation n deep concern about these they got back and talking they regret for missing all those days n enjoying very well.....

  6. hello surya
    i was about to post a comment but then read ur comment here
    i am very happy that M and K are frnds again.


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